It's Important

To see ourselves in murals and paintings and billboards and videos and magazine covers and in stories and films - is important.

To look outward and see our own reflection in the culture and societies we inhabit is important.

Many of us can identify with the disjoint. The ache. The confusion in childhood and adolescence when the imagery that looked back at us from our worlds... looked nothing like us.

So we internalised hatred for our beauty, became bound to look like something else.. then spent so much of our womanhood trying to reclaim and relearn our magic.

To see ourselves in murals and paintings and billboards and videos and magazine covers and in stories and films - is important.

To the artists, filmmakers, story writers and creators. Please continue to weave the faces and shades and hues of humanity’s spectrum into your work.

It’s life saving, and important.

— Words by Seyi.

Artwork by Elena Gual

Artwork by Elena Gual