The Walls of Elmina

You approach the castle on the top of a hill
It sits majestically
Flanked by palm trees
And washed with ocean breeze

Painted all I white
Sitting majestically on a hill
It’s.. beautiful
And yet

It’s walls contain
And hundreds
Of years
Of torment… pain and death.

It doesn’t hit you immediately
After paying your fee
To enter

Oh no
The beauty of the building
Is still at the
Forefront of your mind

And then the tour guide
Begins to talk
And there’s no time to adjust your heart
There’s no time to adjust your heart

Because the tour guide is talking
And suddenly
The horror
Of the building

The sheer horror
Of what took place in this building
Is right before you
Ringing in your ears

How people
Who looked just like you
We’re captured
Or bribed
And then dragged
In chains
Walking for miles

Some dying on the way

To get to this building

Just pause.

Could you imagine their confusion…

And so they arrived at this building
To be brutalised and broken
Some dying in the process

The walls of Elmina
I wonder what they have seen

As we walked around the dungeons and the upper levels
You can still smell the blood
The aching and the wailing
You can still smell the blood

And all of it took place inside such an

What would the walls of Elmina tell us today?
Just maybe

That behind all of our own beauty
Our jobs
And cars
And achievements

That we too

Should look inside
And check
Deeply check
Whether our inside
Holds horrors

Of prejudice
Or hatred for others
Or twisted discriminations
Or pride in our shade.. our language
Or dangerously…


What would the walls of Elmina
Tell us all —


— Words by Seyi